for peace of mind

We Can Help.

We can help you think through, explore options, consider perspectives, and settle cases outside of court.


From Probate & Estate cases to Elder law, we have the experience you need to make decisions and settle disputes during the stressful seasons of your life.


Divorce is expensive and lengthy timelines can make it worse. Couples can find resolution more quickly, and cost-effectively with Divorce Mediation.


Disputes are common in the workplace, and we can help you arbitrate conflicts like Non-Competes, contracts, wrongful termination, and discrimination.

Areas of Specialty

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Nullam et sem elit. Ut mollis mollis erat vitae finibus. Nulla vitae dui erat. Duis finibus, risus at ornare posuere, lacus augue vehicula nunc, tincidunt hendrerit tortor augue at ante.

Meet David

Senior Justice, Visiting Judge, Arbitrator

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat pellentesque ligula, faucibus venenatis enim congue in. Integer fermentum bibendum porta.

Let’s Get Started

Counsel You Can Trust

Helping You save time and money